2400 panelists from the worlds of business, society, science and politics have been welcomed since 1989
Fonction occupée lors de leur dernière présence à la Cité
Antoine VACCAROPresident CerPhi ( studies of philanthropy)2008 Paris
Daniel VACHEZPrésident du SAN de Marne la Vallée1994 Paris
Hélène VALADEDirector of Sustainable Development at Suez Environnement2014 Paris
Zoé VALDESWriter2008 Paris
Guy VALLANCIENHead of departement of urologists, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris2008 Paris
Natacha VALLAÉconomiste, doyenne de l'École du management et de l'innovation de Sciences Po2024 Paris
Joël VALLATPresident of the Foundation Louis-le-Grand2012 Paris
Laurent VALLÉEGeneral Secretary, Carrefour Group2017 Paris
Odon VALLETHistorian of religions and mediologist, co-founder of the Vallet Foundation2022 Paris
Manuel VALLSMP-Mayor of Evry2010 Paris
Philippe VANDELJournalist2003 Lille
Philippe VAN DE MAELEChairman of ADEME2010 Paris
Jean VANIERFounder of the Arche2008 Paris
Gérard VAN KEMMELPrésident de l'Organisation mondiale Arthur Andersen1994 Paris
Rose-Marie VAN LERBERGHEChairman, Altedia2002 Paris
Marie-Laure VAN NGUYENChartered accountant2002 Paris
Frédéric VAN ROEKEGHEMDirector General of CNAMTS – Health Insurance2012 Paris
Kees VAN TWISTDirector of the Groninger Museum2003 Lille
Anne VARETDirector Research and Prospective of the ADEME2017 Paris
Marcial VARGAS-GONZALEZGlobal Lead Science & Innovation at Quantis2024 Paris
Flore VASSEURFilm director, novelist2024 Paris
Michel VAUZELLEPresident of the Regional Council, Provence Alpes Côtes d'Azur2004 Marseille
Roland VAXELAIREDirector Quality, Sustainable development and management of the risks of the Groupe Carrefour2006 Paris
Hubert VEDRINEMinister for Foreign affairs1999 Marseille
Xavier VEILHANArtist2014 Paris
Pierre-François VEILLawyer, President of the French Committee for Yad Vashem2022 Paris
Sibyle VEILCEO Radio France2024 Paris
Simone VEILMembre de l'Académie française2010 Paris
Bernard VERGNESChairman, Microsoft Europe1996 Paris
Günter VERHEUGENVice-President of the European Commission, responsible for enterprise and industry.2008 Paris
Dinah VERNANTDoctor of medicine, creator of Health Center for the Youth at l'Hôtel-Dieu in Paris2008 Paris
Jean-Pierre VERNANTHistorian1998 Paris
Philippe VERNIERResearch director at the French centre for scientific research2003 Lille
Jacques VEYRATChairman of the Robert-Louis Dreyfus Group2010 Paris
Marc VEYRATChef of "L'Auberge de l'Eridan" restaurant2003 Lille
Martin VIALPresident, La Poste2002 Paris
Louis VIANNETSecretary-General CGT1994 Paris
Jean VIARDSociologist, editor2004 Marseille
Mathias VICHERATDirector of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris2022 Paris
Laurence VICHNIEVSKYPresident of the County court of Chartres2006 Paris
Paul-Emile VICTOREthnologue, Explorateur1992 Paris
Julien VIDALWriter2022 Paris
Dominique VIGNONCEO, Framatome2000 Paris
François VIGOUROUXPsychiatrist, writer2003 Lille
Jean-Paul VIGUIERArchitect2010 Paris
Cédric VILLANIMathematician, director of Institute Poincaré2012 Paris
Gustavo VILLAPALOSRecteur de l'Université Complutense de Madrid1994 Paris
Jean-Paul VILLARETCEO Young & Rubicam1992 Paris
Dominique de VILLEPINPrime minister2006 Paris
Philippe VILLINVice-Président du Figaro et Président de France Soir1990 Paris
Jean-Didier VINCENTProfessor of neurobiology, French Centre for Scientific Research2000 Paris
Cyrille VINCEYCEO of qunB2012 Paris
John VINOCURRédacteur politique à l'International Herald Tribune1999 Marseille
Christian VIROSAdministrateur délégué de Tag Heuur1996 Paris
Patrick VIVERETPhilosopher2012 Paris
Anaïs VOY-GILLISGeographer2024 Paris
Christian VULLIEZDirecteur de l'Enseignement de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris1994 Paris