Speakers 2024
To see the full list, please click on this link
Agathe Cagé is a graduate of ENS-Ulm and ENA (promotion Jean-Jacques Rousseau), with a doctorate in political science. She joined the Ministry of Education in 2014 as a technical adviser before becoming deputy director of the cabinet of Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem from 2016 to 2017. She continued her socialist commitment by becoming general secretary of Benoît Hamon's presidential campaign in 2017. Currently president of the Compass Label consultancy firm, she continues to advocate closer ties between intellectuals, business leaders and public decision-makers. Her work aims to understand the dynamics of French society in order to provide avant-garde solutions to contemporary social divides, such as social mobility: ‘Classes figées. Comprendre la France empêchée’ (Flammarion, 2024).

François Candelon is a graduate of the École polytechnique and the Mines de Paris engineering schools, and has spent most of his career with The Boston Consulting Group (BCG). He joined in 1993 as a consultant, becoming managing director (2002-2009) and then senior partner from 2009. In 2019, after seven years spent in China working with leading technology companies, he took over as director of the BCG Henderson Institute, a think tank dedicated to business, technology, economics and science. He joined Seven2 in 2024 as a specialist in the regulation of artificial intelligence and the strategic evaluation of companies.

Marjorie Carré est responsable de la cause Culture et pilote du collectif d’action Culture et Création à la Fondation de France. Diplômée de l’IEP de Paris en Politique comparée, elle débute son parcours en Californie dans le champ de l’innovation. De retour en France, elle rejoint le monde des fondations pour y promouvoir les dynamiques collaboratives et transdisciplinaires. En 2016, elle décide de se consacrer à sa passion de toujours pour la création artistique et devient responsable du mécénat en spectacle vivant à la Fondation BNP Paribas. Elle dirige ensuite la compagnie du chorégraphe Emanuel Gat. En 2024, elle rejoint la Fondation de France et y mobilise les acteurs de la philanthropie pour que l’art et la culture puissent pleinement nourrir la société et inspirer les transformations de notre monde à venir.

Yannick Carriou is a graduate of the École Polytechnique and the École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique (1996). He was successively Managing Director of TNS-Sofres France (2006-2010), a specialist in marketing and opinion research, Managing Director of Ipsos France (2010-2012) and CEO of Ipsos Connect (2013-2017). He was appointed chairman and CEO of the Teknowlogy Group analysis and consultancy firm in 2017, before taking over as head of the French audience measurement institute Médiamétrie in 2020.

Jean-Charles de Castelbajac began his career as a designer in 1968 alongside his mother Jeanne, with whom he founded the company Ko & Co. His first obvious garment was a coat cut from his boarding-school blanket and clothes made from mops, launching the concept of upcycling. Dubbed ‘the Courrèges of the 70s’, he founded the house of Jean-Charles de Castelbajac in 1978, at the same time serving as artistic director of Max Mara and Iceberg. His clothes and his art are imbued with a passion for history, misappropriation, the world of childhood and contemporary art. Renowned as a visionary designer, he worked with many brands, including Courrèges, Swatch and Aigle, and was the artistic director of United Colors of Benetton from 2018 to 2022. He has been appointed by the Diocese of Paris to design the liturgical vestments to be worn when Notre-Dame de Paris reopens in December 2024.

Véronique CAYLA
Chairwoman of the Académie des César
Véronique Cayla began her career in the office of Michel Guy, Secretary of State for Culture, in 1974, before becoming technical adviser on cinema to the then Minister of Culture, Jean-Philippe Lecat. Director of the Forum des images, she then became number 2 at the MK2 group, alongside Marin Karmitz, before joining the trio at the head of the Cannes Festival, as general manager, with Thierry Frémaux, under the presidency of Gilles Jacob. She successively took over as director of the Centre national de la cinématographie (CNC) in 2005, then of the board of Arte France in 2011. Since 2020, she has chaired the new administration of the César awards, with film-maker Éric Toledano as vice-president.

Hugues Cazenave is a graduate of the École normale supérieure de Fontenay-aux-Roses and holds an agrégation in economics and social sciences. He began his career as a research officer at Infométrie, a communications consultancy. In 1986, he joined the cabinet of Gérard Longuet, Secretary of State and then Minister for Post, Telecommunications and Tourism (1986-1988). After becoming CEO of Infométrie (1990-1995), he joined Ipsos Opinion as Deputy CEO. In 2000, he founded OpinionWay, an institute specialising in political polling and marketing research on the French market. Now Chairman of OpinionWay (owned by the Les Echos-Le Parisien group since 2022), he has also taught at Sciences Po and HEC and published a book on the polling profession: ‘The Polls War’ (Michalon, 2011).
Debate 7 • Democracy at risk: how regain trust in public debate ?

After studying literature at the Sorbonne, Nicolas Chabanne was in charge of communications for Greater Avignon before taking on the task of promoting The Brotherhood of the Strawberry of Carpentras. In 2009, he created the ‘Le Petit Producteur’ label, guaranteeing better remuneration for producers by placing their photo on the trays. In 2010, the anti-spoilage initiative ‘Les Gueules cassées’ (Broken faces) continued this approach by offering ‘ugly’ fruit and vegetables for sale. In 2016, Nicolas Chabanne, beacame a leading figure in alternative distribution, launched ‘C'est qui le Patron?!’, a cooperative selling a brand of fair-trade milk in support of producers. ‘C'est qui le Patron?!’ is currently offering 18 products for sale.
Debate 28 • Is the collaborative approach always a source of trust and intelligence ?

After obtaining a degree in Management, Quality, Safety and Environment from the University of Paris 13 in 2008, Rim Chaouy joined AFNOR as a project manager, specializing in corporate social responsibility, health and safety at work and eco-design. She was appointed head of the occupational health and safety unit at Afnor Normalisation from 2017 to 2022, during which time she co-wrote, with AFNOR Director Olivier Peyrat, a reference baseline to facilitate and accelerate the mass production of a ‘barrier mask’ during the COVID crisis. She was awarded the Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite in 2022 for this contribution. She has been head of the Sustainable and Societal Transitions Department of the AFNOR Group since the end of 2022.
Debate 28 • Is the collaborative approach always a source of trust and intelligence ?

Après des études d'ingénieur à l’ICAM (Nantes), Corentin de Chatelperron rejoint le Bangladesh pour travailler dans le chantier naval moderne TaraTari, spécialisé dans la production de bateaux en composite de fibre de verre. Il lance « l'Aventure de Tara Tari » et relie le Bengladesh à la France à bord d’un petit voilier mi-fibre de verre, mi-jute, afin de convaincre de l’apport du jute aux matériaux composites. Il navigue sur les eaux du Golfe du Bengale durant 6 mois à bord du Gold of Bengale, premier voilier 100% jute, et mûrit, durant l’expédition, le projet du Low-tech Lab, une plateforme de partage en open source d’innovations low-tech aidant à vivre mieux avec moins. Ses projets Nomade des Mers (2016) ou Biosphère du Désert (2023) repèrent et testent en condition réelle les meilleures de ces solutions.
Debate 28 • Is the collaborative approach always a source of trust and intelligence ?

Laura Chaubard is a graduate of the École Polytechnique (X99) and she obtained her doctorate in algorithms in 2006. She is assigned to the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) as an expert in big data and artificial intelligence, in particular for the Intelligence Department. Between 2013 and 2016, she was head of the strategic SMEs office, responsible for identifying and supporting the 600 French SMEs of interest to defence. In July 2017, she joined the cabinet of Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly as innovation adviser, where she was responsible for the digital transformation of the ministry and the setting up of the Definvest venture capital fund. She was appointed Executive Director of the École Polytechnique in 2022.

Chen Jiang-Hong is a graduate of the Beijing School of Fine Arts and the Paris School of Fine Arts. He began his career in 1989, combining traditional Chinese painting with modern Western techniques. Belonging to Xieyi painting, literally meaning ‘writing the idea’, his works tend towards an exalted lyrical abstraction. Alongside his work as a painter, he has illustrated a number of children's books published by L'École des loisirs, including 'Tiger Prince' (2005) and 'Mao and Me' (2008), in which he tells his own childhood during the Cultural Revolution led by the Great Helmsman (1966-1976). His works blend Chinese legends, culture and history with universal feelings and issues. Two of his stories have been adapted for the stage: ‘Chinese Tales’ (2020) and ‘The Little Red Guard’ (Théâtre du Rond-Point, 2023).

Vascular surgeon, Chairman of La Chaîne de l'Espoir and co-founder of Médecins du Monde
Eric Cheysson is Doctor of Medicine since 1981. He is currently head of the vascular and thoracic surgery department at the René-Dubos hospital in Pontoise (Val-d'Oise). Alongside his surgical career, Dr Eric Cheysson was one of the ‘French Doctors’ committed to helping civilian populations during the 1980s. Co-founder of Médecins du Monde in 1980, he took part in numerous humanitarian missions in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and Afghanistan. Vice-Chairman in 1995 and then Chairman in 2010 of the association 'La Chaîne de l'Espoir', he has actively contributed to the creation of a number of specialist healthcare centres around the world, including the French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children (FMIC) in Kabul. His book ‘Afghanistan, the infernal spiral’ (2023, Robert Laffont) recalls forty years of commitment to the Afghan people and the historic turning point reached on 15 August 2021 with the return to power of the Taliban.

A graduate in Science and HR management from the Reims Management School and Paris I Sorbonne University, Laurent has led a 4-track career as Senior Executive in several large companies, lecturer in management, a consultant and an entrepreneur.
He is the Chairman of the ‘Cercle de la Prospective RH’ (HR Foresight Association), as well as a founding member of the ‘Cercle du Leadership’ (Leadership Development Association). He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the European Foundation for Management Development and the Peter Drucker Society, driven by the conviction that the quality of management at all levels of society is the essential antidote to the demagoguery that feeds tyranny.

Cheffe cuisinière et « Food Hero » de l’Organisation pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO)
Issue d’une longue lignée d’éleveurs, Rebecca Clopath quitte son village natal et l’exploitation familiale, dans le canton des Grisons, pour entamer un apprentissage de cuisinière. Formées dans les cuisines étoilées de Stefan Wiesner et d’Oskar Marti, elle remporte avec l’équipe de cuisine junior le titre de championne du monde en 2008. Elle revient en 2015 sur ses terres d’origine afin de pouvoir exploiter les terres et le cheptel de sa ferme bio et pratiquer, en tant que cheffe indépendante, une cuisine naturelle. Les « perceptions culinaires » imaginées par sa brigade révèlent ainsi les saveurs authentiques qui sommeillent dans les alpages des Grisons. L'Organisation pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) lui attribue fin 2022 le titre de Food Hero, récompensant la cuisine durable servi dans son restaurant Stivetta, à Lohns (Suisse).
Debate 20 • Sustainable agriculture for all: myth or reality?

Sophie de Closets is a graduate of the École normale supérieure de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud and holds an agrégation in history. She joined Fayard in 2004 as a publishing assistant and rose through the ranks to become CEO of Fayard in 2013, the first time a woman had been appointed in the company's 150-year history. Having inherited a passion for literature, she has initiated a number of ambitious publishing projects, including ‘Historicising Evil, a critical edition of ‘Mein Kampf’; she also obtained the rights to Michelle and Barack Obama's memoirs. She became Managing Director of Flammarion Editions in 2022.

A former student at Sup de Co Marseille, Sophie Cluzel founded ‘Grandir à l'école’ (Growing up at school) and the ‘SAIS 92’ (SAIS 92) collective in 1999, two associations that support families in the education and professional integration of children with disabilities. She was also a director of UNAPEI from 2011 to 2013, and president of the National Federation of Associations Serving Students with Disabilities (FNASEPH) from 2011 to 2017. Appointed Secretary of State for People with Disabilities from 2017 to 2022, she initiated DuoDay, an initiative promoting employment for people with disabilities. Since 2022, she has pursued this commitment by acting as honorary chair of the 'Manifeste inclusion' and chair of the Clinatec Funds, which raises funds to support research into innovative therapeutic solutions.

Philippe COEN
Vice-président directeur juridique, The Walt Disney Company France, président-fondateur de Respect Zone
Diplômé de l’École de droit de Harvard (boursier du ministère français des Affaires étrangères), élève de l’Académie de la Cour internationale de justice de La Haye et de l’Université Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris 1, Philippe Coen débute sa carrière comme avocat spécialisé dans le droit de la concurrence et la propriété intellectuelle au sein des cabinets Linklaters et Berlioz & Co. En 1997, il rejoint The Walt Disney Company en tant que juriste d'entreprise ; il est aujourd’hui vice-président juridique et affaires publiques de la branche européenne de ce groupe de divertissement. En 2014, il créé avec ses deux fils une association baptisée « Respect Zone », une charte de prévention des cyberviolences, ainsi qu’un label avec la vocation de lutter contre la haine en ligne et la violence sur les réseaux sociaux. Membre fondateur de l’Observatoire de la haine en ligne (mis en place en 2020 par l’Arcom), Philippe Coen dirige également la Clinique Juridique Respect Zone des droits humains numériques de l’Université Paris Dauphine-PSL.

Françoise COMBES
Astrophysicist, professor at the Collège de France, vice-president of the Academy of Sciences
Françoise Combes is graduated with a DEA in physics and agrégation in physical sciences in 1975. She began her career as a teacher-researcher at the ENS, presenting a thesis on the structure of galaxies in 1980. Deputy Director of the Physics Laboratory at the ENS, she was appointed astronomer at the Paris Observatory in 1989, a post she held until 2014. The first woman member of the Academy of Sciences, Françoise Combes was President of the French Astronomy and Astrophysics Society and directed the CNRS National Galaxies Program (2001-2008). She was appointed Professor of Galaxies and Cosmology at the Collège de France in 2014. She was awarded the 2020 CNRS gold medal for her work in galactic physics, which sheds light on the evolution of the essential structures of the Universe.

Writer, Honorary Professor at the Collège de France, literary critic and Academician
A graduate of the École polytechnique (1970) and ingénieur des ponts et chaussées (1975), Antoine Compagnon successively held the positions of lecturer at the École polytechnique (1978-1985), professor of literature at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne (1994-2006) and at Columbia University (New York). Elected Professor at the Collège de France (2006-2021), Antoine Compagnon is a literary historian and literary critic, considered to be one of the leading specialists in Marcel Proust. He is also the author of fiction stories such as ‘La Classe de rhéto’ (2012, Folio), ‘Life behind you’ (Équateurs, 2021), ‘Proust's Jewish Side’ (Gallimard, 2022) and ‘A Summer with Colette’ (Équateurs, 2022).
Debate 30 • Cultivating imagination to inspire ecological changes.

André Compte-Sponville is a french teacher and philosopher. As a recognized author, he published many works with great clarity and pedagogy, which has helped making philosophy accessible to all: "Petit traité des grandes vertus" (published by PUF in 1995), "Le Bonheur, désespérément" (published by Pleins Feux in 2000) or "C'est chose tendre que la vie" (published by Albin Michel in 2015). As humanist philosopher, he brought back the search for wisdom and has written about many classical themes, originally discussed by antic philosopher. Furthermore, André Compte-Sponville is a member of the Honnorary Committee for the " Organization for the right to die with dignity".

A graduate of Sciences Po and ENA, Jean-François Copé began his career at the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations before heading the cabinet of Roger Romani, Minister Delegate for Relations with the Senate (Balladur government). He was a Member of Parliament for Seine-et-Marne from 1995 to 1997 and again from 2002 to 2017, becoming Government Spokesman (2002-2004), Minister Delegate for the Interior (2004) and then Minister for the Budget (2004-2007) under President Jacques Chirac. He became Chairman of the UMP Group in the National Assembly in 2007, then Chairman of the UMP party from 2011 to 2014. Mayor of Meaux since 1995, he now devotes all his time to the political life of Meaux and contributes to the debate on ideas.

Passionné par l’univers des nouvelles technologies, Philippe Corrot apprend à coder en autodidacte dès son enfance. Entrepreneur innovant, pionnier de l’e-commerce en France, il fonde en 1997 avec Michael Ziegler l’agence de communication en ligne Keyrus, avant de créer une marque de bijoux fantaisie Maÿrev. En 2005, il fonde Splitgames avec Adrien Nussenbaum, marché en ligne dédié aux jeux vidéo, qu’ils revendent à la Fnac en 2008 ; le duo intègre alors le groupe pour superviser le développement de la plateforme Fnac.com. En 2012, avec son associé Adrien Nussenbaum, il fonde Mirakl, une solution d’e-commerce qui permet de créer sa propre marketplace. En 2019, Mirakl est sélectionné dans l’indice Next40 regroupant les quarante scale-ups technologiques françaises les plus prometteuses et devient en 2020 la dixième licorne (start-up française évaluée à plus d'un milliard de dollars).

Thierry Cotillard holds a degree in agri-food engineering and a master's degree in marketing from HEC Paris; he joined the Les Mousquetaires group as an employee in 1999. After working in Italy to develop the Intermarché brand, as General Secretary of the Centre-West region in France (2002-2004) and then General Secretary of Vêtimarché (2005-2007), he became a member of Intermarché in Issy-Les-Moulineaux in the Hauts-de-Seine department, one of Les Mousquetaires' historic shops, which he managed to turn around. At the same time, he was in charge of food sales and purchasing for the Les Mousquetaires group at national level. He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Intermarché and Netto from 2015 to 2020. He has been Chairman of PERIFEM, the technical federation for commerce and distribution, since 2021, and was elected Chairman of the Les Mousquetaires group in 2023.

Partner in the Corporate department since 2015, Laurent Cotret began his career at August Debouzy in 2006. He advises French and foreign clients on difficulties with creditors, specifically banks, and on disputes between shareholders or disputes with contractors of a nature to destabilize the company. He has developed a strong practice in restructuring and renegotiating financial debt. Laurent also advises clients on their negotiations and possible disputes with financially distressed contractors. Laurent previously worked at Natixis as a corporate finance lawyer. He teaches at the Masters’ program of the CNAM (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts) and at the University of Champagne.

Christian Courtin joined Clarins, founded by his father Jacques 20 years earlier, in 1974. As Head of Export, he led the brand's expansion into 130 countries. A pioneer in environmental causes, he committed the family company to responsible development in the 1990s. Chairman of the Clarins group in 2000, and then of the Supervisory Board until 2022, Christian Courtin has always taken care to perpetuate the family values and visionary spirit of Clarins, which he is actively helping to pass on to the third generation embodied by his daughters and nieces. Christian Courtin is now Managing Director of Famille C, the Courtin family holding company.

After gaining experience in the USA and Asia and co-founding her own brand of ethical and ecological swimwear, Virginie Courtin - a graduate of EDHEC business school - joined the family-owned group in 2013. After serving as marketing director and then general manager of Mugler Mode, she joined the Clarins management committee as deputy general manager. At the head of the CSR division, she took over all the initiatives already launched and built the group's first global CSR strategy around two values dear to Clarins: caring for people and caring for the planet. In February 2022, she became Chief Executive Officer of the Clarins Group.
Debate 4 • How brands adapt, grow, and redefine their identity over time ?

Jean-Philippe COURTOIS
Co-founder of Live for Good, Executive Vice President and President of National Transformation Partnerships at Microsoft
A graduate of the École supérieure de commerce de Nice (SKEMA), Jean-Philippe Courtois joined Microsoft in 1984 as a sales engineer. He climbed the career ladder to become Managing Director of Microsoft France in 1994. He is currently Executive Vice President, President of National Transformation Partnerships at Microsoft, and a member of the Management Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors of SKEMA. In 2015, in addition to his professional activities, he and his family created the "Live for Good Foundation" to support young social entrepreneurs. The mainspring of this organization: 'Together, we are creating a new generation of positive leaders who are committed to the common good'.
Debate 17 • Millennials : new generations' commitment to regain confidence.

A former factory worker, Philippe Croizon became a quadruple amputee athlete following an electrocution. His book ‘I decided to live ’ (2006) tells the story of his accident and his resilience, based on what would become his mantra: ‘anything is possible’. He swam the English Channel in 2010, the first time a quadruple amputee had done so, and in 2012 made four crossings to ‘swim across the five continents’, a great achievement recounted in the documentary ‘Swimming beyond borders’. Philippe Croizon is now a conference speaker, offering his coaching services to professionals, and sharing his experience and the value of mental strength with the general public, with humour and authenticity.

A French national, Marie-Claire Daveu is a graduate of the Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences (ENGREF). She also earned a postgraduate diploma (DESS) in public administration from Dauphine University, Paris. She began her career as a technical advisor to the cabinet of Prime Minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, before becoming Principal Private Secretary to Serge Lepeltier, Minister of Ecology and Sustainability. In 2005, she became Director of Sustainable Development for the Sanofi-Aventis Group. From 2007 to 2012, she served as Chief of Staff to French politician, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, working in various secretaries of state and then at the Ministries of Ecology, Sustainability, Transport and Housing. In 2012, she was appointed Kering’s Chief Sustainability Officer and Head of International Institutional Affairs. She sets out the strategy and ambitious objectives as well as implementing a set of best practices within the Group and the Houses. Today, Kering is a pioneer and recognized leader in sustainability.

Experte reconnue des enjeux du secteur non lucratif, Axelle Davezac est Directrice générale de la Fondation de France depuis septembre 2016. Après 15 ans dans l’industrie, elle décide de mettre son expérience au service de l’intérêt général en prenant la direction de la Fondation ARC pour la Recherche sur le Cancer de 2005 à 2016. Elle a été vice-présidente du Centre Français des Fonds et Fondations (CFF) de 2016 à 2021 et est vice-présidente de France Générosités depuis 2016. Elle est également administratrice du Board de Philea, centre européen des fondations, et membre du conseil de l’Alliance Publishing Trust.

Valérie Décamp began her career with the NRJ group, holding several positions including Group Strategy Director. In 2002, she launched and developed the daily Métro in France, becoming the first profitable free newspaper. The first woman to own and run a national daily newspaper in France, she headed La Tribune from 2008 to 2013. A recognized expert in the world of media and advertising, Valérie Décamp has headed the Médiatransports group since October 2016. She also sits on the Board of Directors of ARPP (French Professional Advertising Regulatory Authority).

Diplômée de l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Versailles, Anne Démians crée sa première agence d’architecture en 1995. Dix ans plus tard, elle fonde l’agence Architectures Anne Démians qui conçoit et réalise des ouvrages de nature et de destinations différentes en France et à l’étranger. Première femme installée à l’Académie des beaux-arts dans la section Architecture (en 2021), elle est également membre du conseil d’administration de la Maison de la Culture du Japon (Paris), et de la Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine. En outre, elle contribue aux travaux du groupe de travail RBR 2020-2050 (Plan Bâtiment Durable) et publie un ouvrage pour penser la ville de demain : « La Réversibilité des bâtiments pour une ville décarbonée » (Le Moniteur, 2023).
Debate 30 • Cultivating imagination to inspire ecological changes.

A former Secretary of the Conference and then lawyer at the Paris Court of Appeal, he joined the AM-GMF group in 1995 as Deputy Managing Director. In 2003, he was appointed Chairman and CEO of the AZUR-GMF group. Two years later, he became Chairman and CEO of MAAF assurances. Since 2007, he has also been Chairman of Mutuelles du Mans Assurances (MMA). He served as Covéa’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer from 2008 to 2022, he is currently the Group's Chief Executive Officer. In 2022, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of PartnerRe.
Debate 1 • How face with confidence the contemporary challenges ?
Debate 46 • What can history teach us about human resilience?

Michel Desjoyeaux is a French sailor and skipper with over twenty-five race victories to his credit, including three wins in the Solitaire du Figaro, one in the Route du Rhum (2002), and a one-two finish in the Vendée Globe, a feat he is the only sailor to have achieved. His nickname “The Professor” comes from his passion for the meticulous design of his racing boats and his recognized human qualities - teaching, availability and sharing of experience. In 1999, he founded France's first ocean racing team, Mer Agitée, which for over 20 years has been offering high-performance solutions in innovation and technical design, optimization of racing boats and support for competitive sailing projects.

Membre de l’équipe de France de natation handisport et Ambassadeur handisport du Groupe Société Générale
Nageur handisport, multiple médaillé aux Jeux Paralympiques de Paris 2024, Ugo Didier est né avec une malformation qui l’empêche de courir, de marcher et de sauter. Il s’intéresse dès son plus jeune âge à la natation et en 2015 intègre un club de para-natation et devient rapidement un jeune athlète de niveau international dans la catégorie S9, qui regroupe les athlètes ayant une légère déficience de la coordination des bras et des jambes. Champion du monde du 100m dos à 17 ans au Mexique, il accumule ensuite les récompenses internationales : double médaillé aux Jeux Paralympiques de Tokyo 2020, triple champion d’Europe en 2024 etc. En 2024, il est sacré champion paralympique sur le 400m nage libre S9 et obtient la deuxième place sur le 100m dos et le 200m 4 nages lors des Jeux de Paris 2024. Étudiant en sciences appliquées à Toulouse, membre de l’équipe de France de natation handisport, il est également ambassadeur handisport du Groupe Société Générale.
Debate 18 • Is sport a miracle solution for social integration ?

A graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Sorbonne with a degree in political philosophy, David Djaïz became Inspector of Finance in 2017, then Director of Strategy and Training at the Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires between 2020 and 2021, where he created the Académie des Territoires, a training center for local elected officials. He is currently co-chairman of the Bona fidé communications and public affairs consultancy. A teacher at Science-Po, columnist and essayist, he wrote the highly acclaimed “Slow Démocracy: How to master globalization and regain control of our destiny” (Allary Editions, 2019), awarded the Price from the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences in 2020. This year, he published “The Compulsory Revolution” (Allary Editions, 2024), an instruction manual for a French and European ecological transformation.
Photo© Romain Gaillard for the agence REA HD_edited
Debate 59 • Can environmental equity be a solution to collective distrust ?

Managing Director of SNCF Gares & Connexions, Deputy Managing Director of the SNCF Group in charge of Transformation, and Chief Digital Officer
Marlène Dolveck holds an Executive MBA from EDHEC business school and a CESB senior banking management degree from HEC business school. She began her career as an economics teacher before joining Crédit Agricole and then the La Poste group, specifically La Banque Postale, where she was a member of the Executive Committee. Since 2017, she was Director of Omnichannel and a member of the HSBC France Retail Banking Executive Committee. In January 2020, she joined SNCF Gares & Connexions as Managing Director and became a member of the SNCF Group's Executive Committee. In January 2024, she became Deputy Managing Director of the SNCF Group in charge of Transformation in addition to her duties as Managing Director of SNCF Gares & Connexions. As of May 2024, she is also Chief Digital Officer of the SNCF Group.
Photoo Credit : Matthieu Raffard

Diplômé de l’école de commerce de Rouen, Grégory Doucet préside lors de ses études l’association Genepi, qui intervient dans les prisons pour faciliter la réinsertion des détenus. Il débute ensuite sa carrière professionnelle dans l’humanitaire au sein de l’Adie (association pour le droit à l’initiative économique, spécialiste dans le micro crédit) à Manille, puis à Katmandou. À son retour en France, il rejoint Handicap International à Lyon, comme Directeur géographique Afrique de l’Ouest. Membre du parti Les Écologistes depuis 2007, il est élu Maire de Lyon en 2020 après une campagne menée sur le thème de l’adaptation de la ville au changement climatique. Succédant à Gérard Collomb, il ambitionne de faire de Lyon une ville à la fois plus verte et plus inclusive : « j’ai envie d’être le maire d’une ville qui fait attention à l’autre », dit-il souvent aux journalistes. Il est également vice-président de l’association « Planète Enfants & Développement » (solidarité internationale pour la protection de l’enfance).
Debate 44 • How can we involve the public participation in sustainability transitions ?

Marc Drillech began his career in advertising in 1980, after a degree in sociology from the University of Lille and a diploma from Sciences Po. He joined the Publicis Group in 1990, as Associate Manager of Publicis Conseil. In 1995, he was appointed Chairman of Publicis Etoile, then Chairman of Publicis Dialog and Vice-Chairman of Publicis Groupe in 2002. He was vice-president of the Association des Agences-Conseils en Communication (AACC), and director of the Institute of Advertising Research and Studies (IREP). Now advisor to the Chairman of Ionis after nearly twenty years with the educational group, he is the author of several books, the latest of which “Brands: yesterday, today, tomorrow" was published in December 2022.
Debate 4 • How brands adapt, grow, and redefine their identity over time ?

After graduating from ESG Management School in 1996, Julien Dubourg managed marketing teams for more than 10 years at Evoke, then CirclePrinters Holdings. In 2010, he obtained a Master 2 in Sustainable Development and Organisation from Paris Dauphine University, then set up a company specialising in wood energy before continuing his career as Sales Manager at Altavia.
Julien Dubourg joined the eco-organisation Ecofolio in 2015, which has since become Citeo, as Director Relations Manager, then Key Account Director. Since 2019, he has been Customer and Marketing Director and coordinates the teams that ensure that they anticipate and provide the best quality of service to Citeo's customer-partners and support them in their 3R approach. (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
Debate 35 • Can we trust companies to defend the common good ?

A graduate of ESCP Business School and holder of a Master's degree in Management and Business Administration from Harvard Business School, Bertrand Dumazy began his career in 1994 as a consultant for the consulting firm Bain & Company, first in Paris and then in Los Angeles. Investment Director of the BC Partners fund from 1999 to 2002, he joined the Quadient Group (formerly Neopost), a world leader in mail processing solutions, as Director of Marketing and Strategy. He went on to become Chairman and CEO of Neopost France, then successively CEO of the Deutsch group, world leader in high-performance connectors, and of the Cromology group (ex-Materis Paints), a global player in the decorative paint market. CEO of the Edenred group since 2015, Bertrand Dumazy is also President of the ESCP Alumni association.
Debate 16 • Autonomy and enpowerment: manage teams throught trust.

Patrick Dupoux is Managing Director & Senior Partner at BCG. He founded BCG's first office in Africa, in Casablanca in 2009, and led the firm's activities in Africa from 2017 to 2023. He leads BCG's “Social Impact” activities for the Europe-Middle East-South America-Africa regions. In January 2022, he was elected member of BCG's Global Executive Committee. Patrick has been working in Africa for over ten years on economic, social and environmental development issues, with the continent's leading public and private players. He holds an engineering degree from the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and an MBA from INSEAD.
Debate 35 • Can we trust companies to defend the common good ?

Sylvain Duranton is the Global Head of BCG X, the BCG's tech build and design entity. With over 3,000 tech talents in more than 80 cities, BCG X builds platforms and software to meet companies' biggest challenges. Sylvain joined BCG in 1993. He is a graduate of the French engineering schools Polytechnique and Mines Paris, and holds an MBA from INSEAD. Sylvain is also a member of the Board of Directors of Aurore, one of France's largest NGOs, which aims to reduce poverty and improve access to housing.

Thomas Dutronc discovered Django Reinhardt's music at the age of eighteen inspired him to become a jazz guitarist. In 2002, he joined the Gipsy Project of guitarist Biréli Lagrène, one of the greatest heirs of the Manouche style, and that same year founded the A.J.T. Guitar Trio, playing a bossa nova and gypsy repertoire. He collaborated with a number of artists (Henri Salvador, -M-, Jacno, Françoise Hardy) before launching his solo career in 2007, with his acclaimed debut album “Comme un manouche sans guitare”. He has produced several film scores and cartoons, and has collaborated for over fifteen years with numerous musicians (Etienne Daho, Diana Krall, Iggy Pop). He records with his father Jacques Dutronc on the album “Dutronc & Dutronc” (Universal Music, 2022). His latest album “Il n'est jamais trop tard” has just been released (Mercury Records).

A graduate of Sciences Po Grenoble with a doctorate in geopolitics, Frédéric Encel is a professor at the Paris School of Business (PSB), Sciences Po and the French Institute of Geopolitics. Following the publication of his thesis “Géopolitics of Jérusalem” (1998), under the supervision of Yves Lacoste, he continued his research work, publishing some twenty books that shed light on strategic issues in the Middle East. An ardent campaigner against Holocaust denial, he founded and presided over the “Annual national conference on the fight against Holocaust denial", and was a member of the executive board of The International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA) for several years. His book “Pathways to power : Thinking about geopolitics in the 21st century” (Albin Michel, 2022) won the Geopolitical Book Prize.

Jean-Louis Étienne is a doctor specializing in nutrition and sports biology. He has taken part in numerous expeditions to the Himalayas, Greenland and Patagonia. As a tireless defender of the planet, he has led several educational expeditions to raise awareness of the polar regions and the role they play in life and the Earth's climate. In April 2010, he successfully completed the first balloon crossing of the Arctic Ocean. He was the first man to reach the North Pole solo, and achieved the longest crossing of Antarctica by dog sled: 6300 km. He is the driving force behind the Polar Pod scientific project, scheduled for 2024-2026, involving the construction of a vertical oceanographic vessel and its circumnavigation of the Southern Ocean, which encircles Antarctica.